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Environmental education workshops across the Vilcanota

Our field team delivered 18 all-day environmental education workshops in six Quechua communities across the Cordillera Vilcanota

We coordinated with isolated elementary schools across the study landscape, to deliver all-day workshops to 460 children. The workshop concentrated on three primary themes: amphibians, climate change, and mining. Amphibians were chosen because they are the subject of the study being conducted and are also widely feared and misunderstood. Climate change and mining were selected as they are environmental topics of supreme importance in shaping the future of this Andean region.

In order to engage these young children with this material, the workshop was composed of a series of fun games and activities. Activities included

  • songs about climate change and the right of prior consultation

  • a puppet show about artisinal mining

  • a tagging game about the greenhouse effect

  • reading a comic book about frogs and toads

  • meeting live specimens of two local amphibians species

  • working with figurines of the frog life cycle

  • learning from maps about local mining concessions, and how they relate to communities and watersheds

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